Thursday, July 1, 2010

Solar Energy Advantages – Why you need solar panels on your rooftop

We all know about the damage that carbon-di-oxide emissions from factories or from our own cars is causing to the environment. Many of us here are aware of this and want to help as well but are not really aware of how to do so. In this post, I will outline some of the many advantages of getting a solar panel of your own. This will help you make a decision on whether it is worth investing your time and money in or not.

Here are some Solar Energy Advantages:

1. An amazing investement which saves you a lot of money in the long-term future.Although you may have to initially invest quite a bit of money in getting various tools and utilities to build the solar panel in the roof of your house, in a period of one or two months you will have recovered the money back by saving on electricity and water bills and after that, since there are no taxes on using energy from the sun, it is FREE. (Grab it while you can.)If you use a lot of electricity, then the time for you to get back your money may be longer. But regardless of how much electricity you use, you will get back what you invested in at some point of time or the other.Depending on where you live, many governments offer financial benefits and bonuses for those who make use of the solar energy advantages.You can also actually make money regularly with this. If you generate more energy than what you use up you can probably sell it for various companies for profit. Thus, you can also view this as a money making venture.

2. One of the best "solar energy advantages" is that you save a heck of a lot of money on your electricity bill.Since you can convert the solar energy into electricity using photovoltaic cells or with the solar panel cells, you can use the electricity generated to charge up your electric car which saves you a lot of money in terms of petrol or diesel.A properly set up photovoltaic cell and solar energy batteries on your rooftop has been shown to produce more energy for an average American Household. This is really good news for those you planning to make use of the solar energy advantages.It is unaffected by how or when the prices of gasoline increases.The savings can help you buy your dream house or go on the dream tour in the many years to come. YOU are saving money on your own health too and helping the planet and your neighbours at the same time.

3. Renewable Source of Energy - Probably one of the biggest advantages of using solar energy is that it is clean, environment friendly and sustainable, thereby, helping in protecting our “once green” planet which is now starting to get seriously affected because of us human beings’ activities. Using petrol or diesel or any form of traditional fuels releases various poisonous gases such as sulphur-di-oxide, carbon-di-oxide, nitrogen oxide, chloro-fluoro-carbons (CFC’s) which are indeed extremely harmful to the environment and indirectly to the people as well. Since the number of cars manufactured is ever increasing and so is the number of manufacturing industries, there are no signs of this stopping. Hence it has become very important for us citizens to try and help our children and grand children enjoy nature just like we did when we were young. The many advantages of using solar energy helps in this matter. Because of the above advantages, by using solar energy you are not contributing to other global problems such as acid rain or global warming.Solar energy can be used everywhere as the sun rises and sets in almost all parts of the world. Thus there is no headache of transporting fuels or getting rid of radioactive waste as is in the case of nuclear reactors.

4. Flexible as you can also use traditional sources of energy in combination with the renewable sources - Solar cells are very versatile and flexible. Sometimes, you may find that it is cloudy or rainy or that the sun is not out to generate the heat for you. During such times, you can use something called “net-metering” to either use the stored up energy or you can switch back to traditional sources of energy. However, an efficient solar photovoltaic cell can store up enough energy to use even during the night. You can set up solar panels that need not necessarily rely on power grids or electric generators or any such thing at all. It can operate completely independent of power lines and is therefore the ideal source of energy to use in places where you may go to holiday like at a summer cottage thus again saving you money. By using solar energy advantages, you are also helping your own government and country as they need not have to import electricity or gasoline from other countries thus helping in creating a sustainable future.

5. Maintenance free - Once the solar panels have been properly installed using proper instructions, there are no maintenance requirements necessary all. It will function for years and years to come thus providing plenty of electricity to you and also saving you a lot of money. Say bye to monthly bills by getting a solar panel of your own. They function by themselves emitting almost zero noise and have no wierd smelly parts that can cause any sort of discomfort to any one. Once you learn how to set-up a solar panel the easy way, you can set up many more as and when you want depending on your family’s needs thus proving to be an exciting potential.

I hope that the above listed solar energy advantages convinced and inspired you to start thinking of solar energy seriously and try and get solar panels in your house as well. Any questions, feel free to comment below.

To your success,


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