Friday, August 6, 2010

Cheap Solar Panels or Used Solar Panels– Where to find them?

Many people these days are seeking to get the best out of their hard earned dollars and of course, no one likes to see their money go to waste. So, this blog post is on cheap solar panels and how you can go about finding them. The trick to finding cheap products, whether it is cheap solar panels or any other product, for that matter is to know where to look for them. Well, one of the best ways to find cheap solar panels is to get yourself used solar panels about which I will soon talk about. Of course there are also plenty of new solar panels that are available cheap online. But what I will tell you below is how I went about finding cheap solar panels and may or may not work for you. So, heed my advice and good luck on finding the purchase that fits you the best.

1. Head over to your city's popular "stuff on sale" place
One of the best ways to find cheap solar panels is to begin by looking around in your own neighbourhood if anyone is planning to put up their panels on sale. The best way to do this is to head to either popular local website where people put up advertisements about various items that they have on sale or to check by asking people around. For example, I live in Canada and kijiji is the popular classified ads website here. That's where I was able to find very cheap solar panels. Similarly, you can head over to craigslist or eBay to find cheap deals online. One of the best advantages is that you can save a lot of money on delivery services and other things such as taxes and insurance by doing it this way since you are getting stuff locally and not shipping great distances for this item. Also, you can drive over to pick it up and reduce chances of damage when the item is being packed for delivery.

2. The easy and better option, Do it Yourself

There are plenty of guides and ebooks online that can tell you how you can easily build solar panels of your own by purchasing some of the component parts and assembling them together to build your own solar panels. This is one of the cheapest solar panels that you can get since you are saving money by not buying the end products which normally always tend to be more expensive. Some such examples of Do it yourself build cheap solar panels can be found on the homepage of this blog – Solar Energy Advantages

3. How to find new solar panels that are very cheap?
The advantage with buying new products is that you get something really important; warranty. I actually learnt this the hard way. I bought a cycle from one of those thrift stores and it soon became a problem as it had faulty brakes. So I had to go all out and spend a lot of money to get a new bike. Similar to this, you get warrant for a couple of years when you buy new cheap solar panels. Since it is solar panels that we are dealing with, the warranty can be for as long as 20 years. But of course, the draw back is that they are expensive.
Here's one trick to successfully find the cheapes new solar panels. Do not buy from retailers. Retailers can be a big rip off as they are looking to make profits as well and hence they overprice the product. So head over directly to the manufacturer's website and either contact them or just order it directly from them to find a cheap deal. Also, of course make sure that you are buying from credible manufacturers and not from people who are just pure scam. Also make sure that the warranty is genuine. Also, auction sites would definitely be the way to go and are a great way to find cheap solar panels.

4. Used Cheap Solar Panels

Used Solar Panels are a great way to cut costs. But it is always useful to talk to the person who is selling the various parts face to face. This will help a lot as it will make sure that you know exactly what kind of product you are buying and will give you an idea about its productivity and usefulness.

There are some factors that you would need to consider when buying used solar panels, first and foremost is whether it is too old to use. Age is a really important factor if amorphous or crystalline silicon is not used in building the solar panel. If the above type of silicon is used, then there need not be any sort of worry with regard to age as it does not really matter even if it is really old as it can still be really efficient.

Another important factor to be considered is to actually test the used solar panel before sealing the deal with the person who sold the cheap solar panel to you. It is important to make sure that there is a steady flow of current and that there are no problems or fluctuations which may happen due to rust or other forms of damage such as corrosion.

The best place to find cheap solar panels is of course, the one place where you can buy a lot of stuff for cheap – eBay.

If you have never used eBay before, then don't worry. It is really simple to use. Simply head to You will get redirected to your local website of eBay and then you can click on register as a new user and register by providing all your details by filling up all the forms available on the website. Once you have done that, all you need to do is to go through ebay where they have a lot of guides which explain in simple terms how to get familiar with the interface and start using it immediately. Search for something like "cheap solar panels" or "used solar panels" and try to find people who have put them up for auction locally where you live. This is how I got to find very cheap deals. eBay is definitely the way to go.

I hope you were able to find the cheap solar panels that you were looking for and hope that you found that it works for you properly. Whether it is new or used solar panels, it is important to make sure that they actually work out for you.

For a greener planet,


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