Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Green products – Can they help Save the earth?

We have been reading newspaper articles and news flashes in various websites for a long time about the earth warming up and how it is affecting us humans and other living things on earth such as trees and other animals very badly. Various organizations such as "Greenpeace" have been very active in getting people to take steps (such as using green products) to make sure that the earth will not end up in a situation where our children and grandchildren are not jeopardized by the effect of pollution and using fossil fuels such as carbon dioxide and methane and chloro fluoro carbons (CFC's) that we are releasing in tonnes into the air. Due to global warming, the earth is getting really hot although it is not something that we feel as in the way you feel a change from winter to summer. This is also known as global warming and there is sufficient evidence provided by scientists to prove that this is indeed being caused by various human activities such as massive deforestration and the heavy use of automobiles. According to various statistics available on Wikipedia, there is sufficient proof to say that most of the pollution is coming from the developed countries. Very much at the top of the list when it comes to carbon di oxide emissions every year is the United States. China comes in at first for total carbon dioxide emitted where as the US is way ahead of everyone else when it comes to per capita emission of carbon di oxide. Furthermore, this is an issue that needs to be addressed especially in rapidly growing developing countries because other developing countries such as India is moving up the list very fast to catch up with China and the US as more manufacturing is taking place in that country.

Do we as citizens really want to leave the future citizens of our planet such as our children and great grandchildren with an unhealthy environment to live in? That would be indeed be called irresponsible and it is us who would be blamed. It is time that we all took up the cause of saving our already degrading environment and do something to help save all the trees who have been providing us with the healthy oxygen that is very much necessary for us human beings to survive for hundreds of years. Because of our actions, it is not only us who are getting affected but also other living beings such as trees or all the innocent animals on this planet that are being affected by the emission of harmful gases such as carbon di oxide and methane.

So what steps can we take to stop the spread of pollution and deforestration? Well, there are many answers to that question and one of them is to start using green products. What are green products and how can they help us in saving our environment? Well, I aim to answer that question as best as I can in this blog post.

We need to take certain steps to make sure that the earth does not lose all the green and beautiful trees that populate this entire planet and have been here for a much much longer time than the humans. The first thing that comes to mind whenever someone mentions green products is "vegetarianism". There have been plenty of claims and and plenty of research done on vegetaraians and it has been proved over and over again that vegetarians are not only one of the healthiest and fittest people on this planet but also the fact that being vegetarian actually helps our planet and trees and all our natural resources to flourish. This is indeed great news for people looking to understand what term "green products" mean. The reason why you are actually helping the environment by being vegetarian is because of this: 

When you are eating products that comes from different trees and plant products such as vegetables and fruits, you are saving the animals from being butchered and eaten but also you are helping in reducing the amount of carbon di oxide presence in the atmosphere by consuming natural products.

Furthermore, you are making it possible for most animals to survive for a longer time thus helping in maintaining ecological balance in today's depleting animal kingdom. Also, there has been the fact that people in developing countries such as India and China are increasingly starting to become meat eaters as a result of the people there becoming richer. Thus, it is important to spread the awareness about green products properly. Now, keep in mind that I am not suggesting that you should totally abandon meat and start eating vegetables only. Being a meat eater myself, I would find that tough too. But you can help by reducing the amount of meat that you consume and replace it with "greener" substitutes instead. Besides meat products contain various diseases in them that can play a role in damaging the body too. Consuming green products will also solve the obesity problem which currently plagues most parts of North America. So try to do your best. Let's move on to see what else you can do save our "green" and blue planet.

I have been talking a lot about solar energy advantages in this blog. The great thing about solar energy is that it can help save a lot of money. You can use solar heaters to heat up your air and water. In fact, solar heaters are one of the most widely used applications of solar energy so far. Although solar panels made up of a lot of solar cells or photovoltaic cells are also becoming very popular, solar heaters are the most practical solutions to meeting the energy needs in an average household. This is because when air or water gets heated with the help of electricity, it consumes a lot of power and this can be eliminated by the use of solar water heaters or just solar heaters. So make sure you start using more green products and make use of solar energy advantages.

To a greener future,


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